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David Strain

David was born in Glasgow, Scotland, and came to faith in Christ during his high school years. He studied fine art at Duncan Jordanstone College of Art in Dundee, Scotland, where he graduated with honors and met his wife, Sheena. While in art school, David was involved in student ministry, becoming President of the Christian Union, and there began to discern a call to the ministry. After Graduation he worked for two years with the Universities and Colleges Christian Fellowship (UCCF, the British version of InterVarsity) at first in Dundee and then in Glasgow. He subsequently came under care of the Glasgow Presbytery of the Church of Scotland and studied theology at Trinity College (Glasgow University), where he won the gold medal in Systematic Theology and again graduated with honors.

Because of his biblical convictions, he was prevented from ministering in the Church of Scotland and so attended the Free Church of Scotland College in Edinburgh, graduating with distinction. He was ordained to the gospel ministry in the Free Church in September 2003, and took pastoral charge of Cole Abbey Presbyterian Church, (now London City Presbyterian Church), the Free Church of Scotland congregation in the City of London, England. In 2008, David and his family moved to the United States where he became the Senior Pastor of Main Street Presbyterian Church in Columbus, Mississippi. David is currently pursuing a Doctor of Ministry degree at Reformed Theological Seminary, Jackson.


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